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Mediation Strategies on the Web
Project´s Inauguration Day, in Chile.

Rosemary Golcher Artistic work

Work´s title: 
“Mujer Naturaleza Sabia”

Work´s title:
"Gestación de Mujer Naturaleza”

Work´s title:
“Fuente de Vida”

Work´s title:
“Mujer Naturaleza # 1”

Karin Vásquez Artistic work

Work´s title:
“Niña de mis ojos con trenzas y setas”

Work´s title:
“Naturaleza Multiple"

Work´s title:
“Alucinacion Incaica"

Work´s title:
“Dualidad Americana Temprana"

Mediation Strategies on the Web

Rosemary Golcher´s  “Non nova sed nove”—In this series I used the thematic thread, “mushroons,” which I photographed during my various hikes in the mountains of my country. By way of several interventions with diverse programs in the computer, I reconstructed the reality in search of new textures, syntheses and colors, with the idea not of seeing new things but of seeing things in a new way.

They exchanged and merged these photographic proposals with their original work, elaborating new proposals according to each one´s creativity, inspiration and sensibility.  As a result, they created the series “Mujeres Naturaleza.”

Once finished, the projects were printed and exhibited in the Campus Oriente of the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile, during the whole month of June of 2006. (Go to http://www.estrategiasdemediacionenred.blogspot.com to view the other participants´ projects)

The experience of working together was very enriching for both artists, who see in the project “Fusiones Americanas” a point of departure for future proposals.  In June of 2007 they will participate in Ars Latina* 2007, event which will take place in the city of Mexicali, capital of the state of Lower California, Mexico. The thematic will circle around “SER LATINO EN EL SIGLO XXI (what it means to be a Latino in the 21st century) with works from the series “Mujeres Naturaleza,” printed in big format.

* Ars Latina is an organization that was created in 2004 by the Asociación Cultural Internacional Terra dell´arte, and its primary objective is to attend to the rising Contemporary Art forms in all countries Latino in speech and culture throughout the world.    
